Gingerbred Studios

Grand Rapids based photographer

Gingerbred Studios is run by Aaron McClure, a Michigan photographer that endeavors to meet the needs of the client based on the individual’s vision. This studio pursues excellence concerning all areas of photography including weddings, events, and portraits, as well as art focused pieces that depict street photography and landscapes.

About Aaron.

WEDDING Photography

The Studio’s goal in wedding photography is to reduce all worries by ensuring that the client receives professional and personal photos that capture the excitement of such a momentous occasion. We cater every experience to the desires and do our best to fulfill the requests of the client.

Event Photography

Using experience from several years of taking photos for churches and other clients such as choirs, we strive to capture every moment perfectly that will leave the viewer with the memories of the same energy and excitement they felt while attending the event. Whether it be concerts, speaking engagements, or memorable occasions like baptisms, we hope to capture the perfect photo.

Concert stage

Art Focused Photography

While the studio’s main focus is professional client photos, it has also delved into more art based projects on the side including street photography and landscape pieces. The goal of this collection of work is to become printed pieces and displayed as art throughout the home and wherever could use a touch of beauty.